TUBA CONCERTO by Todd Goodman
FINALIST for the 2012 Harvey Phillips Award for Excellence in Composition
awarded by the International Tuba Euphonium Association
PIANO | includes solo part, click here to purchase | $40 |
ORCHESTRA | 2:2:2:2 4:3:3:0 timp+2, piano, harp, strings (rental only - click here to contact our rental department) |
rental only |
WIND ENSEMBLE | piccolo, flute 1-2, oboe, clarinet 1-3, bass clarinet, bassoon, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, horn 1-4, trumpet 1-3, trombone 1-2, bass trombone, euphonium, tuba, piano, timpani, percussion 1-2, double bass |
$300 |
ELECTRONIC | Digital MP3 accompaniment | free |
Todd Goodman’s Tuba Concerto was commissioned by the 2012 Tuba Repertoire Initiative and was premiered by Aaron Tindall in June 2012, at the International Tuba Euphonium Convention in Linz, Austria. The work, in three movements, explores the wide range and versatility of the tuba. From its incredible virtuosic athleticism to its lush gorgeous tone, the tuba has the ability to envoke many different unique characters and emotions. This work explores those characteristics through three distinct movements, each showcasing a specific idiosyncrasy of the tuba.
MOVEMENT ONE begins with a wave-like pulse in the accompaniment that flows throughout the entire movement, being accented and even interrupted by the lush sweeping lines of the tuba. As the movement develops, the accompaniment and soloist become more intertwined and even clash through character and harmony to the first climax. The pulse is then completely interrupted, as if leaping from the page and followed by a brief pause. The pulse regains its momentum, however with much shorter articulations. A fleeting glimpse at a foreshadowing of the second movement then quickly returning to the opening gesture triumphantly closing the movement.
The second movement is played with very little pause from the first.
MOVEMENT TWO is a lyric aria sung by the tuba, accompanied by a simple shifting chord progression. From the opening moment, this movement is a celebration of the beauty of simplicity. Rooted around a pedal A in the bass, the movement explores the upward motion of two sets of parallel sixths around a constantly varied three note theme in the tuba. Set in a simple A-BA form, the opening steps aside as a more rhythmic, yet floating variation of the opening material winds throughout the piece. A short recapitulation ends the movement.
MOVEMENT THREE is an aggressive, athletic sprint through constantly shifting meters, fierce runs, and vigorous leaps. The opening of the movement introduces another three note theme that winds throughout the entire movement. The tuba quickly joins the piano and moves through variations of the motif interrupting itself with long lyrical lines. The middle of the work is a development of the lyricism previously heard in the movement with a series of shifting harmonies reminiscent of the second movement. The opening section of this movement then recapitulates to a vibrant and electrifying coda giving the soloist the final word.
"Todd Goodman's Tuba Concerto is an astonishing work that showcases the many abilities of the modern day solo tubist. From sweeping lyrical lines, to the athletic leaps and bounds presented, this Concerto is packed full of the essential elements needed for a work of this stature to stand the test of time."
-- Aaron Tindall
People that I have talked to about this piece seem very excited with it. I agree, this piece is a great piece of music and I expect to hear more performances of it in the future.”
—Scott Roeder, UT Pan American | ITEA Journal, spring 2014
"Todd Goodman’s Tuba Concerto is a major addition to the repertoire. The work sets out to exploit the many facets of the instrument from its lyricism, powerful tone and range through to its impressive technical agility. The music is moving and profound, providing the soloist with a vehicle to truly express. I would highly recommend this major work to any serious tubist!”--James Gourlay, River City Brass & Duquesne University
Listen to and watch the solo part of a live performance by Aaron Tindall and the U.S. Army "Pershing's Own" Orchestra.
MOVEMENTs ONE and TWO--played attacca.
THIS IS MY HOUSE with Aaron Tindall. Piano reduction [WNM11201red]
Potenza Music, Inc.